Monday 30 January 2017

Embassy reopens: Turkey Reopens Its Libya Embassy Says Foreign Minister
The Minister clarify that Turkey will be opening its Embassy back in Libya on Monday after closure for two years due to lack of security in the country. 

Turkey who closed its Embassy in the country in 2014 in Tripoli due to the insurgent battle in the Country after the rebeling of the country long-time president Muammar Gaddafi
He said this, as diplomatic missions begin to reopen in the divided country.
“The reopening of the embassy will allow Turkey to make stronger contributions to efforts to build peace and stability, as well as reconstruction in Libya,’’ the Turkish foreign ministry mentioned in a statement.
Both Libya and Tripoli itself are home to myriad armed groups with shifting and conflicting loyalties that have sought to fill the power vacuum created when Gaddafi was killed.
In 2014, fighting between armed alliances backing opposing political factions resulted in rival governments being set up in the capital and the east.
Since March last year a third, UN-backed government has been trying to establish itself in Tripoli, but it has been unable to win support from all groups.
“Turkey will continue to support the territorial integrity and national unity of brotherly Libya,’’ the statement said.
Turkey’s ambassador had been based in Tunisia during the embassy’s closure, while the Turkish consulate general in the western city of Misrata had remained open without interruption.
Italy reopened its embassy earlier this month.


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